Dato Sri Ahmad
Datuk Abdul Hamed Bin Sepawi
Tarmizi Bin Haji Sulaiman
Deputy Chairman
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Dato Sri Ahmad Tarmizi, aged 46, a Malaysian, was
Datuk Abdul Hamed, aged 59, a Malaysian, was appointed
appointed as our Director on 30 August 2005. He is the
as our Director on 30 August 2005. He is the Chairman of
Chairman of our Board Executive Committee. He holds a
our Nomination and Remuneration Committee and a
Bachelor of Science (Business Administration) and a
member of our Board Audit Committee. He holds a
Masters of Business Administration. His current and
Bachelor of Science degree from University of Malaya and a
previous employments include as the State Financial
Bachelor of Forestry from Australia National University.
Secretary of Sarawak from 2004, Chief Executive Officer
He also holds a Masters degree in Forest Products
with Amanah Saham Sarawak Berhad between 1993 and
Utilisation from the Oregon State University. He has been
2002 and as an Investment Manager with both American
a substantial investor in a number of oil palm companies
International Assurance Co. Limited and Arab-Malaysian
for about 10 years including such names as Ladang Selezu
Merchant Bank Berhad. Dato Sri Ahmad Tarmizi is the
Sdn Bhd, Sebubu Sdn Bhd, Medan Sepadu Sdn Bhd and
Chairman of Kuching Water Board, a Board Member of
Butrasemari Sdn Bhd. He is very active in timber, property/
several Sarawak Government Agencies and Government
construction, as well as the oil palm business. He has been
Linked Companies such as SLDB, Sarawak Economic
the Executive Chairman of Ta Ann Holdings Berhad, a
resource-based group since 1999, the Chairman and a
Authority, Sarawak Tourism Board, Sarawak Land
substantial shareholder of Naim Cendera Holdings Berhad
Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (SALCRA),
and the Chairman of Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB), a
Sarawak Foundation and Land Custody and Development
company that owns 100% of a power-generating company
Authority (LCDA). In the corporate sector, amongst
in Sarawak, namely Syarikat SESCO Berhad. Ta Ann
others, he is the Chairman of Sacofa Sdn Bhd and a Director
Holdings Berhad, Naim Cendera Holdings Berhad and SEB
of Amanah Saham Sarawak Berhad, Syarikat SESCO
are listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities
Berhad and Borneo Housing Mortgage Finance Berhad.