1. Ordinary Resolution 7 - Authority to Allot and Issue New Shares
This proposed resolution, if passed, will empower the Directors of the Company to issue and allot
Ordinary Shares from the unissued capital of the Company up to an aggregate amount not exceeding 10%
of the Issued Share Capital of the Company for the time being, for such purposes as the Directors
consider would be in the interest of the Company. This authority will, unless revoked or varied by the Company
in general meeting, expire at the next AGM. The general mandate will provide flexibility to the Company for
any possible fund raising activities, including but limited to further placing of shares, for the purpose of
funding future investment project(s), working capital and/or acquisitions. As at the date of this Notice,
no new shares in the Company were issued pursuant to the general mandate granted to the Directors at
the 17th AGM held on 13 June 2014.
2. Ordinary Resolution 8 - Proposed Renewal of Shareholders’ Mandate for Recurrent Related
Party Transactions (RRPT) of a Revenue or Trading Nature
This ordinary resolution, if passed, will authorise the Company and its subsidiaries to transact with mandated
related parties for the period from this AGM till the next AGM. Please refer to Part I of the Circular to
Shareholders dated 29 April 2015 for further details.
3. Ordinary Resolution 9 - Proposed Renewal of Authority to Purchase Own Shares
Please refer to Part II of the Circular to Shareholders dated 29 April 2015 for further details.
There is no person seeking election as Director of the Company at this Annual General Meeting.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Annual Report 2014