Sarawak Plantation Berhad - Annual Report 2014 - page 45

Annual Report 2014
Statement on Corporate Governance
III. Directors’ Training
All Directors have attended the Directors’ Mandatory Accreditation Programme organised by
Bursatra Sdn. Bhd. As part of our Directors’ continuous training programme, our directors have
attended the trainings as stated below:
Name of Director
Brief Description of Training
Datuk Amar Abdul Hamed
- Board Chairman Series: The Role of the Chairman by Bursa
bin Sepawi
Polit bin Hamzah
- MPOB - Palm Industry Labour: Issues, Performance &
Sustainability Seminar (PILIPS 2014)
Hasmawati binti Sapawi
- Workshop on “Corporate Credit Analysis”
- Regional Conference on Planted Forests in Sarawak
- 2015 Tax Budget Seminar (Accelerating Growth and
Planning Your Tax Affairs)
Umang Nangku Jabu
- 2014 Audit Committee Conference
- MPOB - Palm Industry Labour: Issues, Performance &
Sustainability Seminar (PILIPS 2014)
Datu Haji Chaiti bin
- 6th Annual Corporate Governance Summit
Haji Bolhassan
- Taklimat Cukai Barang Dan Perkhidmatan (GST)
- KPMG - Tax Seminar 2015 Budget Proposals
Azizi bin Morni
- 2014 Audit Committee Conference
Ali bin Adai
- 2014 Audit Committee Conference
- MPOB - Palm Industry Labour: Issues, Performance &
Sustainability Seminar (PILIPS 2014)
- KPMG - Tax Seminar 2015 Budget Proposals
- Bursa Malaysia - Nominating Committee Programme
IV. Directors’ Remuneration
The fees of the Non Executive Directors are recommended by the Remuneration and Nomination
Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. The same will be tabled to the shareholders for
approval at the Annual General Meeting. All Directors are paid meeting allowance for each Board
Meeting that they attend and are also eligible for other benefits in kind, including medical expenses,
up to the limit as approved by the Company. The Executive Director is also rewarded with bonus
which is dependent on the performance of the Company and the individual Director. The bonus of
the Executive Director is reviewed by the Remuneration and Nomination Committee and approved by
the Board of Directors.
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