Annual Report 2014
Statement on Corporate Governance
VII. Other Information
American Depository Receipt (“ADR”) or Global Depository Receipt (“GDR”) Programme
The Company did not sponsor any ADR or GDR programmes during the year.
Imposition of Sanctions and / or Penalties
There were no sanctions and / or penalties imposed on the Company or its subsidiaries, directors or
management arising from any significant breach of rules, guidelines and legislation by any relevant
authority for the financial year ended 31 December 2014.
Non Audit Fees
The amount of non audit fees incurred for services, for example tax compliance services, review of the
compilation of realised and unrealised profits and review of the Statement on Risk Management and
Internal Control rendered by the external auditors, KPMG Malaysia and its affiliates to the Company
and its subsidiaries during the financial year ended 31 December 2014 amounted to RM376,600.
Variation in profit estimate, forecast or projection
The Company did not issue any profit estimate, forecast or projection for the financial year.
Variation in Results
There was no deviation of 10% or more between the total comprehensive income attributable to
Owners of the Company stated in the Quarter IV Announcement of unaudited results for the financial
year ended 31 December 2014 and the audited financial statements of the Company for the financial
year ended 31 December 2014.
Profit Guarantee
The Company did not give any profit guarantee during the year.
Material Contracts
There were no material contracts of the Company and its subsidiaries involving the Directors and/
or major shareholders either subsisting at the end of the financial year or if not then subsisting,
entered into since the end of the previous financial year.
Recurrent Related Party Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature
Related party transactions are reviewed by the Board Audit Committee at its scheduled meetings or
sooner if necessary.
For further details on the recurrent related party transactions of a revenue or trading nature of the
Group conducted during the financial year ended 31 December 2014, please refer to Recurrent
Related Party Transactions (RRPT) set out on page 145 of this Annual Report.
This statement is made in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors dated 10 April 2015.