Annual Report 2014
Corporate Social Responsibility
The Group always strives to ensure that every
employee is working and living in a safe, comfortable
and conducive environment. Whilst this is relatively
easy to achieve in the Group’s Miri HQ and Kuching
Corporate Office, it presents a greater challenge
in the rural areas where the plantations and mills
are located. Therefore it is a matter of great pride
that all of the employees are provided with ample
modern amenities at the Group’s estates and
mills. They enjoy well-maintained infrastructure and
facilities such as roads, schools, clinics, transportation,
playgrounds, sports facilities, utilities, community
halls and places of worship as a very minimum.
Recreational activities such as Labour Day
Celebration and Sports Carnival were organised
during the year to foster relationship among the
employees and workers.
Health, welfare, sports and wellness programmes
as well as training and development for the
employees will continue to be the primary focus
of the Group.
The Group continues to support local communities
through donations of funds, equipment and materials
and through outreach activities.
The Group's key CSR is the set up of SP Training
Centre which provides subsidised trainings to
youth in Sarawak since 2013. For further details,
refer to the Review of Operations on page 25.
Other key activities included:
(a) Sponsorship of activities organised by the
Sarawak Oil Palm Plantation Owners Association,
local government departments, religious bodies,
welfare associations, education institutions and
community based non-profitable organisations.
(b) Set up of Indonesian community school for
pre-school children of the Indonesian workers.
(c) Donations to the Parent Teacher Associations
of schools located in and around our estates
and mills.
(d) Donations to other charitable organisations,
such as SABATI and Yayasan Ilmu Industri
SP Training Centre
Indonesian community school at Ladang 3 Estate