Sarawak Plantation Berhad - Annual Report 2014 - page 52

Annual Report 2014
Corporate Social Responsibility
Sarawak Plantation Berhad (SPB) aims to strike a balance between good economic performance
and its responsibility as a corporate citizen committed to a sustainable approach in doing
business that benefits its stakeholders, customers, employees and the community in general.
(d) installation of a multicyclone centrifugal filter
system to ensure minimal particular emission
from boiler chimneys at the mills and
installation of an automation system to monitor
flue gas smoke density from boiler furnaces;
(e) use of mill by-products, including palm oil mill
effluent (POME), for land application in oil palm
estates located near the mill and use of
empty fruit bunches as mulch; and
(f) effective scheduled waste administration
established at all operating units.
In complying with the regulatory requirements, the
Group ensures that environmental impacts monitoring
and assessments are carried out by qualified third
party consultants at all estates and mills.
Health and Safety
In addition to environmental conservation, the Group
is fully committed to fulfilling all of its Health and
Safety obligations as a responsible corporate citizen.
Please refer to the Health, Safety and Environment
(HSE) section on page 22 of this Annual Report for
further details.
The Group has set preservation of the natural
environment as having the same priority as its
other main business activities.
The Group continues to enforce and implement the
following environmentally friendly practices in its
(a) zero burning policy and establishment of
riparian buffer zones along main streams and
rivers during the development of new plantation
(b) construction of contour terraces and planting
of legume cover crops to minimise soil erosion,
promote soil conservation and enhance soil
nutrient content;
(c) application of various biological controls in
pest, disease and weed control management,
including the cattle integration and the
integrated pest and disease management
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