Sarawak Plantation Berhad - Annual Report 2014 - page 16

Annual Report 2014
Message to Our Shareholders
Highlights of the Year
SP Taining Centre Graduation
SP Training Centre was set up as a major Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative to provide
subsidised training to young people wishing to
enter the oil palm industry. The Centre achieved
its accreditation under the National Dual Training
System in June 2013 and also enrolled its first intake
of 30 apprentices in the same year.
In August 2014 the first intake of 30 apprentices
all successfully graduated and were awarded the
Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) Level 3 by Jabatan
Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK). This is a very
important milestone, not only for SPB but for
our industry as a whole.
Year of Productivity
In 2014, the year was designated the “Year of
Productivity” to enable management to focus on
monitoring, fine-tuning and cost containment, as
well as to enhance buy-in among our workforce.
Our on going smart partnerships between plantations
and mills continue to improve the quality of fresh
fruits bunches (FFB) delivered from our plantations.
Combined with aggressive outsourcing of fresh fruit
bunches (FFB) from small producers, they enabled
us to set new records for processing of FFB and
production of CPO and PK for 2014.
We also placed greater emphasis on estate
mechanisation, not only through expenditure on
existing mechanisation technologies, but also
through encouraging our Research & Development
team - in partnership with engineers and technicians
in the field - to experiment and innovate. Design
improvements and modifications for a number of
equipments were proposed and tested.
Estate Management System (EMS)
Our electronic Estate Management System (EMS),
implemented at all estates since 2013, became
fully operational in all units during the year. This EMS
acts as a monitoring tool to enable the management
to focus on monitoring at various levels of operations.
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